This “how to” is for Top Trail members with iPhones recording tracks with their Garmin GPS product. You will learn how to export tracks from Garmin Connect (desktop version) to EasyTrailsGPS so that you can easily export to your Top Trail Horse account.

Thanks to Jenn Stack for helping me figure this out!

  • Record & save your Garmin ride track and be sure it’s synced with the Garmin Connect desktop website.
  • Go to the “Activities” screen and tap the track you want to export to TTH (here we are selecting the track named “Fentress County…”)
  • Tap the “Gear” icon (it’s a pulldown menu)
  • Select “Export to GPX”
  • Tap “Download
  • Tap “Open in…”
  • Select the “EasyTrails” app icon— if it doesn’t show up at the beginning of list, keep scrolling to the right until you see it. If it doesn’t show up at all, you will need to go to your “Settings” to make it available.
  • In a split second, the Garmin track will be exported to EasyTrails.
  • Now you can go to your track list and locate the track (it will be listed chronologically on EasyTrails) and export to Top Trail Horse as usual.

How to export from EasyTrails to Top Trail Horse (for iPhone users).


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